Chiropractic Care

Normal vs. Natural

Mr. Jones goes to see his doctor for knee pain.  After a thorough examination, his doctor concludes, “Mr. Jones, your…

Caveat Emptor: How Free Health Advice May Cost You

It may seem contradictory, but getting something for free doesn’t mean that it won’t cost you - especially when it…

Chiropractor Grandpa to the Rescue!

When your adult son calls in a panic to tell you that your 21 month old grandson is being admitted…

4 Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain reduces a person’s ability to have normal physical activity. This can lead to obesity, heart diseases, and general…

What Can I Do to Get Rid of My Neck Pain?

First of all, unless you sustained an injury or your head was bent in an awkward position for several hours,…

Well It’s Happened in My Lifetime Too

It’s hard enough when medical doctors go outside their specialty and recommend or don’t, a treatment or therapy they know…

Proper Sitting Technique

Most of us spend more than half of our waking hours in a sitting position. If you are fortunate enough…

The Nitty Gritty Details Behind Chiropractors in Santa Cruz

Thirty years ago, saying that you are going to see a chiropractor in Santa Cruz would have given  you mixed…