4 Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain reduces a person’s ability to have normal physical activity. This can lead to obesity, heart diseases, and general health decline. Through spinal manipulation and a specific program for strength and flexibility you can retrain your body to work more efficiently and with less pain…

Chiropractic Treatments Reduce Back Pain

Recent research has shown that spinal manipulation provides relief to patients suffering from low-back pain.

A review of 26 clinical trials put chiropractic treatment on par with other interventions, such as physical therapy, in reducing back pain.
Strong evidence that spinal manipulation is effective in treating chronic low-back pain.
Researchers found “limited-to-moderate evidence that spinal manipulation works better than physical therapy and home exercise.”

Lifestyle Changes Make Chiropractic Treatments More Effective

These studies are encouraging. Equally optimistic is the idea that a few changes in your lifestyle can complement therapy.

1. Exercise Regularly

Get some movement daily; avoid movements that put stress on your back, such as the ones I wrote about on my blog last August:

The exercises mentioned in the post were:

  1. Standing and bending forward from your waist
  2. Seated and bending forward from your waist
  3. Lying on your back and bringing knees close to your chest
  4. Reaching for your toes while sitting on floor
  5. Stomach crunches

Exercises You Can Do

Unless you are extremely old or have an injury preventing you from moving, walking is the safest exercise you can perform. Walking every day will keep your heart in good shape, and your muscles will be strong.

2. Long Car Ride? Get Out and Stretch!

Long rides in your car can be taxing on your back. Consider getting out of your car every 1½-2 hours.

More tips include:

Avoid lifting heavy objects right after a long car ride

3. Learn to Lift Objects

Do not move or lift heavy objects. Before lifting any object, ask yourself: If the object seems too heavy, seek help.

Follow these steps to avoid the risk of an injury to your back.

  • Spread your feet apart. That will give your body a wide base of support.
  • Stand close to the object you are lifting. That will keep the center of gravity near you.
  • Bend your knees and keep your back straight. Bending from your waist increases the risk of back pain.
  • Tighten your stomach muscles. That will help you in lifting.
  • Lift slowly. Muscles are not enamored of knee-jerk reactions.
  • Squat to put down the object. Use your knee and hip muscles.

4. Don’t Sit for Long Hours

If you sit when you work and your back pain is worse, changing your workstation can provide much-needed relief. Here are some tips to make your office more back-friendly: Get up and walk around every hour: remember to stretch your upper body as well. Look at my past blogs for further tips.


Back pain is prevalent in the United States. More than 33 percent of Americans have experienced it in the last three months, and a majority of the sufferers are desk workers. When the pain strikes, 40 percent of Americans turn to chiropractors as an effective treatment. If you are suffering from back pain, the best way to stay in good shape is to make some lifestyle changes, such as daily workouts and making changes to your office routine.

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