Categories Back Pain

Back Pain from Arthritis? Maybe Not

Hardly a week goes by that I don’t get a patient in my office whose doctor told him/her that they had arthritis in their low back, thus the reason for their back pain. In one such case, a physician told one of my patients that nothing could be done, to take pain pills and to “learn to live with it.” 

(And in this particular case, the doctor also told my patient that he himself had back pain, and was just living with it as well.)

Just “learn to live” with back pain???

Thousands of back pain sufferers have sought out my practice over the years knowing that they probably had arthritis, and did not want that diagnosis to stop them from getting over their back pain and living their lives.

Yes, it is true that arthritis can cause back pain, but even if you have arthritis, it doesn’t mean you must endure the pain for the rest of your life.

I have seen many patients who had x-rays showing severe low-back degeneration who became pain-free after chiropractic treatment, corrective exercises, and other various techniques they began to incorporate into their daily routines. So what happened? Did their arthritis suddenly disappear, or was the arthritis not the pain producer their doctors thought it was?

The Bottom Line: If you have arthritis causing you back pain, don’t treat your diagnosis as the end-all, be-all. Seeking a specialist is your best option to explore all solutions and causes of your pain so they can be resolved. Just know: You can get relief and live pain-free, so don’t give up!

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Harvey Markovitz:
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