Self Care

Listen to Your Mother!

Have you been waiting for your back to get better and it just hasn’t improved? The unfortunate truth of the…

When Was Your Last (Complete) Tune-up?

You check your car’s oil regularly, get your teeth cleaned every 6 months, and hopefully change your smoke detector’s batteries…

Are You Truly “Free”?

As I was recently reflecting during our recent Independence Day celebration, I remembered just how much we have to be…

Stiff Neck? Try This!

A common complaint of people who work at a desk or on computers is having neck stiffness. I have found…

Sitting is the New Smoking

It may seem hard to believe that the actions of sitting and smoking are health related, but research shows that…

Being Pain-Free is Not Enough

Your life will always be better when you are unobstructed by pain. Think of all the activities you have had…

The 10,000 Step Myth

This report just published in JAMA Internal Medicine emphasizes the ‘Back to Reality’  approach for improving one’s health. Even though…

Why “Just Getting Old” is a Good Thing!

“I’m Just Getting Old…” Believe it or not, that’s good news! Many never made it as far as you did.…

Doing Correct and Proven Techniques Will Restore Movement and Function

We all know that exercising on a regular basis is good for us. The basic four of: Cardio, Strength, Flexibility,…

Let’s Talk About Home Security

When we talk about home security, your mind most likely goes to monitored alarm systems, motion-sensor lights or exterior cameras.…