Why “Just Getting Old” is a Good Thing!

“I’m Just Getting Old…” Believe it or not, that’s good news! Many never made it as far as you did. Being alive, however, does not define your quality of living. At any age, what are you doing for yourself to be as healthy and vibrant as you can?

As we get older, the main complaints I hear in my practice are those regarding lingering chronic problems patients have adapted to – those we develop when we’re younger, that never get resolved, but continue over the years to degenerate, causing more pain and disability.

The goal for all of us shouldn’t just be about living longer, but about being able to function easily, painlessly, and without limitation.

Who wants to be old and not be able to perform all of our daily activities without pain or limitation? (I am envisioning a lot of raised hands!)

Here’s what I tell my patients:

  1. Start where you are, at whatever age you may be.
  2. Spend just a few minutes every day being thankful for having another day,
  3. Gratefully perform some routine of simple and easy exercises to get your body ready for the day.

When we practice the above, we are rewarded with less pain and more mobility as we age. And remember to include the four components I recommend for maintaining full mobility and function: cardio, flexibility, strength, and balance.

We don’t get old in a moment – but rather, gradually – so do a bit every day to give your body what it needs to function at its maximum potential for months and years to come.

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Harvey Markovitz:
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