Back Pain

These Knots in My Upper Back are Killing Me

If you are having pain in your upper back  and feel that your muscles are all tied up in knots,…

Best and most effective technique for low back pain relief

https://youtu.be/ulABwBiwjZw This has helped hundreds of my patients get out of pain very quickly. It will work for you too.

Tired Feet or the Source of Your Back Pain?

Don't discount your feet as potentially being the reason why you have back pain. An imbalance here will be magnified…

Stretching out your back because it hurts? Don’t make it worse, do it right!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=UibSe1Uu_e0 Doing a forward bend is a position that puts undo tension and pressure on the discs in the lower…

4 Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain reduces a person’s ability to have normal physical activity. This can lead to obesity, heart diseases, and general…

Well It’s Happened in My Lifetime Too

It’s hard enough when medical doctors go outside their specialty and recommend or don’t, a treatment or therapy they know…

The Modified Squat

When I get a new patient in with complaints of lower back pain or hip, knee pain I always assess…

Proper Sitting Technique

Most of us spend more than half of our waking hours in a sitting position. If you are fortunate enough…

Take Home Chiropractic Exercise For The Lower Back

If you’re one of my many patients who came to me seeking relief for lower back pain, then you no…