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Believe it or Not – True Story

Several years ago, I got a new patient. Nothing new about that except that it was a referral from a local neurologist who I had never met. This patient had been in several accidents and her family doctor sent her to see him because she was in a lot of pain and not improving with his prescription regimen.

This specialist ‘treated’ her for several months with the usual pain pills, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory meds as well as physical therapy. Not improving during this time either out of desperation she asked him if he could refer her to someone who could help her using a different approach.

She told me that he gave her my name, but warned her that he would deny ever recommending me to her.

Did I get this right? Referring a patient to someone who could possibly help her, he would deny?

What was he fearing and from whom? Did he not want her to improve and stay on pain meds and have her come in regularly for an office visit only to be told her condition has not improved so he could prescribe more and stronger meds? Why was he reluctant to tell her about me after she was not improving?

Any thoughts on this situation?

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